Divided loyalties. A situation in which an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests that may be inconsistent with the duties to act in the best interests of the non-profit ie., where acting upon one interest could compromise another. Examples include nepotism (favouring family or friends) and self-dealing (favouring self).
Permission. In the context of privacy, consent means a person voluntarily agreed to the collection of their unique information. Consent can be express or implied (inferred). Examples include saying “yes” (verbally or in writing) or clicking the button when you enter a contest.
Agreement. A directors’ resolution that is agreed to in writing (usually email) without having a meeting of directors. The default requirement from the Societies Act requires all the directors to agree. The bylaws of a non-profit can require less than unanimous consent.
Permission. Individuals cannot be appointed or elected as directors unless they formally agree to be a director. This agreement may be given verbally at a meeting or in writing. Best practice is to have consents in writing on a form dedicated to that purpose.